Fishing Methods

We act as a "gatekeeper" for you and only offer fish and seafood that comply with our sustainability principles and are therefore "grandchildren-friendly". For us, sustainability means acting in such a way that fish and fishing trade are preserved for future generations. Fish and seafood are not an infinitely available resource. Therefore, it is important to protect particularly endangered species and to offer alternative fish varieties from healthy stocks. All fishermen who work with us use environmentally friendly fishing methods and minimize bycatch. They are paid fairly and, like us, attach great importance to seasonality, quality and freshness. Through short distances and our well-rehearsed logistics, we avoid long cooling times and reduce CO2 emissions. That's why you can enjoy our fish with a clear conscience.

Gill & Gill Net

Are bands of single, double or triple net walls deployed vertically, near the surface, in the pelagic or at the bottom, in which fish become entangled or caught.

Enclosure & Lifting Nets

Are large net walls that are used to surround schools of fish from the sides and below and thus prevent the fish from escaping by swimming downwards. Lifting nets are horizontal net panels or cuboid, pyramidal or funnel-shaped bags with the opening facing upwards, which are submerged to a certain depth where they remain until light or bait has attracted fish into the opening. The nets containing the catch are then lifted.

Seine Nets

Are very long nets, with or without a bag in the middle, which are cast from the beach or from a boat to encircle a specific area and which are pulled with two (long) leader lines to retrieve and concentrate the fish.

Hooks & Longlines

Are fishing devices in which fish are attracted with natural or artificial bait. The bait is attached to a hook that hangs at the end of a line from which the fish are caught.

Fish Traps

Are fishing gear in which fish are trapped or into which they swim voluntarily and are then prevented from escaping.

Hand collections

Are individually collected, picked or dipped products with great human effort.

Our Sustainability Principles


Large parts of the fishing industry today are opaque and non-transparent, which probably also makes it difficult for you to get information and keep track. We change this by promoting transparency internally within the company, as well as externally in the customer dialogue. We know where, at what time, with which fishing method and by whom our fish was caught. We pass this information on to you openly and honestly. Not every fish is available at any time and everywhere. That's why we believe that with the natural product fish, supply should regulate demand and not the other way around. We will communicate to you at an early stage if something has not gone online as desired and offer you suitable alternatives.

Environmental Protection

We pay close attention to which species of fish we obtain from our partners and how they were caught. We carefully select which fish species we offer. Accordingly, with us you only get species from healthy stocks that have been caught with environmentally friendly fishing methods. For example, we obtain our wild catch mainly from coastal fishermen from the North and Baltic Sea, our trout products from a natural land-certified trout farm in the Lüneburg Heath and our lobster from Sven Köhn, one of the last lobster fishermen on Helgoland, who gently catches the lobsters in baskets. Our partners also attach great importance to actively minimizing by-catch and reducing environmental damage to a minimum.


We have the greatest respect for the craft of coastal fishing. We mainly work with small fishing companies where the size of the boats is less than twelve meters and which stay at sea for a maximum of two days. For our fishermen, the highest quality and care in handling the fish is just as important as it is to us. That's why we are pleased to be able to appreciate their work in the acceptance of their fish financially by paying them the direct marketing price. We create a better payment for our fishermen by selling the fish directly to the customers without intermediaries. We actively promote the craft of coastal fishermen in order to preserve it for future generations.


After landing, our fish are picked up directly in the port and picked by us at our location. We often deliver the fish to our customers on the same day. Due to the short transport route, we save CO2, minimize the cooling time and guarantee the maximum freshness of our fish. We make sure that our supply regulates demand and not the other way around. In this way, we avoid leftovers that we would otherwise have to sell at a later date and thus with lower quality. As a consequence, we avoid the disposal of scrap, which is unfortunately very high in the food sector and especially in fish - more than a third of the fish caught never end up in the human stomach.


Sustainability without quality will not prevail. Therefore, both go hand in hand with us. It is important to us to offer our customers the highest quality, which in our opinion can only be achieved through sustainable action. Since we mainly cooperate with small fishing companies, the size of the fishing boats is particularly decisive for a very good handling of the fish immediately after the catch. The fish are selected by hand by our fishermen on board and not machine-selected, slaughtered by hand, carefully packed and usually landed in the port on the day of the catch. Short distances and seasonality mean that although we cannot always offer fish to all, our offered fish reaches our customers very shortly after catching and without freezing. Thus, we can guarantee the highest quality and freshness.