The SurMer Story

Hi, I’m Daniel, and welcome to SurMer – your Swiss passport to exceptional, sustainable seafood!

How did this all start for me? It began with the realization that our oceans are in crisis. Overfishing, driven by a global market worth 600 billion dollars, is depleting marine life catastrophically. With 4.5 million commercial fishing vessels operating with zero traceability, illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing remains rampant. Over a third of fish stocks are fished at unsustainable levels, with by-catch—non-target species caught unintentionally—worsening the problem. The effects of overfishing are exacerbated by climate change, altering marine ecosystems and the habitats fish depend on. At the current rate of fishing, our oceans will run out of fish, leading to a biodiversity collapse affecting species from fish to whales, dolphins, and polar bears.

The more I delved into this issue, the more I realized how broken the seafood supply chain is. Seafood often changes hands up to eight times before reaching the retailer, leading to inefficiencies, inflated prices, and less than fresh produce. Traditional seafood trading involves multiple middlemen, each adding to the cost and complexity, resulting in food waste and reduced freshness.

I love seafood and care deeply about our impact on the ocean, which led me to a conflict: wouldn't it be better to simply not eat fish? But fish is the most widely traded commodity in the world. The demand won't stop; it will only grow, increasing 8% year over year. Millions of people rely on seafood for protein and livelihoods, especially in coastal communities where fishing is a way of life. So, the alternative is to advocate for more sustainable choices. This is where my journey began, especially when I moved to Switzerland from Paris. I longed for fresh, sustainable seafood. In my first few months here, I discovered that all the major retailers freeze their seafood before it hits the fish counter and offer little in the way of sustainable choices. Driven by the belief that we could do better, I founded SurMer.

Our mission is to deliver sustainably caught seafood that is fresh, convenient, and right at your doorstep. Each order reflects my dedication to authenticity, and our carefully sourced seafood redefines freshness, ensuring a culinary experience that I hope transcends expectations.

We believe in a sustainable seafood supply chain. We believe in traceability technology and are working on solutions in our own supply chain to bring this to the customer. We aim to reduce by-catch, CO2 emissions, and food waste. Our efforts, however small, we hope will contribute to and inspire others to support better ocean regulations and increased marine protected zones.

A healthy ocean is essential for combating climate change, providing oxygen, absorbing carbon dioxide, and regulating the climate. At SurMer, we are committed to making a difference. By providing sustainably sourced seafood, we aim to protect our oceans and offer the freshest, highest-quality products to our customers. If we want to continue enjoying the fruits of our ocean, we need to act responsibly on how we fish so future generations can also enjoy this treasure.

Join us in this mission to create a sustainable future for our planet and enjoy the unmatched taste of genuinely fresh seafood. Welcome to the SurMer family – where every shell tells a story of quality, trust, and unbeatable freshness.

Thanks for listening.


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