
Serves 4

  • 2 live lobsters

  • 4 fillets thick, white fish (bass, monkfish, turbot, brill, etc.)

  • 7 fl oz (200 ml) double cream

  • ½2 pint (300 ml) aioli

For The Stock

  • 2 pints (generous litre) water

  • Fish head and bones

  • 2 slices lemon

  • 2 leeks, chopped

  • 1 carrot, sliced

  • 1 bay leaf


Simmer the stock for 20 minutes and strain. Into the strained stock place the lobsters, bring to the boil with a lid on the pan, reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes.

Remove the lobsters and keep warm while you poach the fillets of fish in the same stock for, say, 15 minutes, depending on their thickness.

Cut the lobsters in half and arrange on a large serving dish with the fish fillets - keep warm.

Now reduce the remaining stock to about a third of its original volume and, over a low heat, stir in the cream. Carefully whisk the aioli into the sauce, stirring over a low heat until the sauce takes on the colour and consistency of custard. Pour over the fish and serve.

Don't forget, lots of fresh bread to mop up the sauce, maybe some Plain boiled potatoes, too.

Don't be afraid of drinking a chilled red wine with this.


Cod in Butter

