Grilled Lobster

Serves 2

  • 1 live lobster, approx 1 ½ lb (700 g)

  • 4 oz (110 g) best unsalted butter

  • Juice of 1 lemon

  • Pinch fine sea salt and a twist or two of black pepper

  • 1 bottle Château Grillet 1970 or 1976 :)


With a sharp 12 in (30.5 cm cook's knife, kill the lobster with a sharp plunge through the back of the head. Then cut it in half lengthways.

Remove the black or greenish sac from the head and the black or gieen thread which runs the length of the body.

Preheat the grill. Place the lobster on a gilling tray, season with salt, pepper and little knobs of butter and cook under the hot grill for 10-15 minutes, or until the shell on the claws has turned pink.

Upon your finest polished table, set with crystal and silver, there will be silver jugs of melled butter and lemon juice.

Before eating, check that the petals have not fallen from the red roses that add the only colour the otherwise cool and sombre room. If the telephone rings, ignore it. A smile of satisfaction is quite in order as you pour the pale-green Chateau Grillet into a large glass, and sip in silent splendour as you contemplate the milky flesh of your lobster. Eating alone has its compensations.


Mussels in Wine

