Salmon in Aspic

Serves 4

  • 9 oz (250 g) fresh salmon, without skin or bones

  • Salt and pepper

  • ½ pint (300 ml) dry white wine and water, mixed

  • 1 tablespoon finely chopped parsley mixed with finely chopped, fresh tarragon

  • 1 hard-boiled egg, the white and yolk separated and finely chopped

  • 2 lemons, peeled, pipped, pithed and cut into small segments of 14 in (6 mm)

  • ½ tablespoon green peppercorns

  • 1½ oz (40 g) tinned red pepper, strained and diced into ¼ in (6 mm) squares

  • 1 sachet aspic jelly

  • Iced tomato sauce equally mixed with mayonnaise


Cut the salmon into ¾ in (1.5 cm) cubes and season with salt and pepper. Simmer in the wine and water for about 3 minutes until the cubes are lightly cooked. Allow to cool in the liquid.

Remove the salmon pieces to a terrine and gently mix in the herbs, egg pieces, lemon pieces, peppercorns and red pepper. Strain the cooking liquid through muslin, so that it is clear, and gently reheat. Add the aspic jelly (following the instructions on the sachet). Allow it to cool.

Pour the cooled liquid over the ingredients in the terrine and allow it to set in the refrigerator. To serve, slice the terrine and lay it over the iced tomato and mayonnaise sauce, which you have delicately spooned on to bright white plates.


Salmon Hollandaise


Cold Salmon